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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Summer - Bright and it's brightness.

Welcome to our first scheduled post! Hurrah for organisation!! I've been aware of my need for internet by today since we arrived on Sunday. The schedule's working great for me so far anyway, because it let me know I should probably get a head start on my Wednesday post yesterday. But, alas, as this is the country, the wireless was disconnected by 10pm. I mean,who stays up later than that anyway? Not me...

So. Like I said, as of Sunday, I have been on holidays. We've been staying in the North-East Victorian town of Bright. And it's fantastic. I've always felt I would love to live in the country - despite their 10pm curfew. Although most of you will thoroughly disagree as I'm sure I've revealed my city-girl ways at least once to you, but I can assure you, in the country, I'm in my element.

As of today, I have swam in the river, hiked to lay by a waterfall and gone to the carnival. Of course, I have visited the op shop. Please note that the one fantastic thing about country op shops, is that unlike in the city, no one else is in there looking at them with a fresh point of view. I'm hoping this will last forever. I'm going back to nab my purchases today.

Also on my to do list, is visiting the local surf shop, because those beauties haven't let me down yet. And as my ambition to own these

was crushed by their $80 price tag as well as their extreme popularity (curse them all) I am hoping to find my new bather top at J.D.'s Ski Hire.

I also really must shout out to my absolutely delightful auntie and cousin, Louise and Celeste, for their daily stream of the most adorable, beautiful yet simple clothes.

Monday morning, when we were still without breakfast supplies, we went out. To this place. All mis-matched crockery, pastel colours and wallpaper. And they sold aprons. And milk in tiny bottles!!

Yeah and we did a lot of swimming.

See you on the weekend.
Love Bella xxxxxxxxx

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