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Friday, February 19, 2010

Still bloody summer - sweat-worthy

Why hello there!
As Leticia has been busy sharing all her current loves in her fashion world; I thought I should take you on a tour of my own.

First: Dresses.

Anyone who knows me will know that this is nothing new, and why do I waste precious blog space. Because it's our god damn blog kapeech?
Ah the things dresses do to me. Today I bought yet another from the South Melbourne Market . It nearly clips my dear fathers age at 53 years old. A combination of bright and mustard-yellow flowers on a white buttons with white trimmings along the arms and neckline. I had to take it up of course, because although the shop keeper thought just above the knee (and I quote) 'was a perfect length for my size', she didn't know I was a dress slut. 'What is a dress slut?' I hear you mutter to yourself, why it is someone who, as Leticia would put it, only like dresses that just cover 'you'. If you catch my dress.
But it's not my only incoming dress (I mean really, we're talking about dresses here!) Yesterday my good friend Kiara* and I went to Spotlight to buy material for a couple of our extremely talented pals, to make us soon-to-be gorgeous frocks. I chose an almost navy dark blue with a small white pattern with brown buttons (and iron on daisies because I just couldn't resist) which will be based on the dress I am wearing in the photo a few blogs ago, but mine will have sleeves.
Oh I'm excited. And will keep you updated as it comes along.

So, I do believe that's enough proof as to my dress love. Next:

Two: Middle parts.
I was always cautious, with my full face and all, to venture into middle part territory, but this week, I plunged.
It's going pretty good. I haven't quite got the hang of it yet, and I've been reminded a couple of times that it ever-so-slightly veers to one side. But a good start, so I'd like to say 'you've heard it here first kids,' but i doubt you have. So, instead 'you've heard it hear for the -how-ever-many-ith time here kids'. Just do it.
Speaking of hair though, I am in the process of chopping mine. I say chop rather than cut, because I have just past the bust hair, and am thinking it'll soon become the just past the shoulders hair. Opinions, opinions?

But; Three: Tie-dye.
Recently Leticia and Kiara* came over to celebrate Australia Day, and the fact we weren't going to the Big Day Out (conveniently called Our Little Big Day Out). We then combined my next two summer loves after dresses and sunglasses. Tie-dye and mid riffs. Incase you haven't put awesome and awesome together, we tie-dyed a mid riff t-shirt.
After doing a bit of research on all sorts of blogs, which are gone from the face of the earth, I chose a style called 'band bunches' with blue dye. I'm very happy with it. But there are thousands more styles and colours, (I find Rit dyes best)

So, after a lot of rambling, and then editing the rambling, I hope I have quenched your undiscovered thirst about what I'm into.
Yours fashionably;
Bella xx

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