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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Summer - What I Did Today Was Of No Importance

Lol Jks I bought a satchel.
I'd swear with joy but we like to keep this blog G-rated.

My story goes a little like this.
I woke up yesterday morning and realised I had a boring day extravaganza ahead of me. So, I got ready in a flash to be sure I could leave with the rest of ma fam to go to the market.
Now usually when we take a family shopping trip, Mum and I will go straight to the supermarket, and Dad and Adeline will head to the market.
But yesterday we decided to have lunch at the market all together. And we just happened to decide to take an unusual path to said lunch  place. And I happened to take a casual glance into a shop I never glance at - despite my love affair with the South Melbourne Market clothes.

And, on special, a satchel. $79, quality, rich, warm, perfect red tinged brown leather, with two deep pockets, pen and business card holders and a spot for you phone and wallet and a nice long strap.

Today I picked it up, and strode home feeling confident and sophisticated.
I'd wear it to school everyday if I could.
And, luckily (?) for me, as it is the perfect winter bag, I was graced with a drizzle of ice cold rain, just to help me fit in.

Now to those who may be new to the blog, take a stroll down our memory lane and try and count how many times I've bored readers with my exclamations of love towards these godly bags. I lost count after 35,981.

I'm, like, over the moon happy. Squeal like an embarrassing teen happy, listen to ear-drum-music-bursting loud music until you feel your heart thumping in protest happy.

I'm going to organise a some mini shoot-esque photos when I have my head on.
And until then, Tish - I'll see you on Tuesday.

Bella xxxxxxxx

P.S. To my dearest friend Ruby Cox - SURPRISE!

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